WIF Questions 2

The second chapter outlines “Ten Forces That Flattened the World,” ranging from the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, to the open-source software movement. In what way did politics influence entrepreneurship in the 1990s? What psychological impact did November 9 have on the world, particularly when paired with new means for global communication?

Yesenia: The collapse of the Berlin Wall led to the fall of communism in Europe. The Soviet Union fell shortly after in 1991 with other nations falling closely behind. This gave capitalist the opportunity to develop and spread capitalism further allowing the influence of politics over enter  entrepreneurship. Communism was based upon equality for all which is why capitalism’s influence in the 1990s was an important to our global society today. Capitalism allows communication and the ability to uphold private business constructing the global marketing we have today. The fall of the Berlin Wall had a major impact because it admitted communications to go throughout all over Europe. Without the wall, global communication increased.

Freidman points out that with the second flattener  of internet and global communications many positive connections  are made. What are some of these connections? How has your life  been affected by the development of the Internet? Are there any negative effects?

Yesenia: It made communication easier for both personal and business use. We are able to share post through social networks where others have access to see and respond. My life has been impacted by the internet given that I use it daily and has become a necessity for school work as well. The are negative effects in that we become so dependent on the internet that when it goes down, we become helpless thus making us vulnerable.

7 thoughts on “WIF Questions 2

  1. I agree with Yesenia that the internet changed the way we communicate with each other. I do believe that the internet is more beneficial than it is harmful to the world and am thankful that it allows for people from everywhere to communicate. Also, as Yesenia said, we have become dependent on the internet, while that could make us vulnerable I think that the internet remains very beneficial to society and the world’s economy. -Ginny

  2. Pingback: World is Flat Comments | Latin America

  3. In response to your second answer, I agree that the internet has helped us stay connected and spread information. In addition, I also think that people are becoming too dependent on the internet, especially teenagers. It seems that many young people are abnormally and unhealthily attached to technology. I think we must remember the value to face-to-face interactions.

    –Sarah Hicklin

  4. In response to both comments above, I agree that the internet is an invaluable tool. I also believe it to be the lone vessel to the future. Technological progress, it seems, is now and will forever be driven by internet capability. Young people have always clung to technological advancements and will continue to. But I don’t see that as a danger, I see it as a change in societal values. A change that will allow the world to become more and more accepting of other cultures and ideas as it is forced to encounter them.

    -Sarah Ann Snipes

  5. I agree with Yesenia. The internet is really a big part of my daily life. I’m on it everyday for school and entertainment reasons. I also agree with the negative effects. Sadly, I would feel a bit vulnerable and helpless when the Internet is taken away from me. For example, 2nd block is very dependent on the Internet, and class can’t go on normally without it.
    -Libby Nguyen

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  7. So, Yesenia…based on your answer to question 2, do you think that technology has destroyed the necessity for books and text sources in school? I feel like the value of book is lost. As a book lover, this is real sad. Feel me?

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