Region and Culture

Cardinals vote on date for conclave to choose new Pope

Yesenia Uribe  3/8/2013

A date has been set for the cardinals to meet to take initiative for the conclave. This Friday March 8, 2013 the cardinals will vote for the conclave to choose a new Pope. A priest by the name of Federico Lombardi is a spokesman for the Vatican that told the reporters the conclave could begin as early as Monday of next week, March 11th. Pope Benedict XVI stepped down in February after 8 years in office, becoming the first pontiff to do so in 600 years. The reason for his resignation is due to health issues and not be able to fully commit to his duties as Pope.

The new Pope will be elected by 115 cardinals that all arrived early this week for the pre-conclave meeting. These cardinals have been sworn to secrecy but Italian newspapers claim that through leaked details, the cardinals are facing problems in their meeting with the church. The issue is not clear since these could only be rumors.

The cardinals have until March 20th to begin the conclave. Vatican press secretary Father Thomas Rosica gave reports an insight saying there is no specific date yet when the conclave will begin. It is not until the meeting Friday they will be able to announce a date.

Vatican’s staff has been preparing the Sistine Chapel, where the conclave will take place. They installed two large stoves for the white smoke of the burnt ballot papers when the new Pope is elected. It is a two-thirds majority vote between the 115 Cardinals.

During Pope Benedict XVI‘s eight year reign, the Church was accused of hiding many scandals and tensions rose within the Church that could have possibly brought lots of pressure to the Pope. Rumors of scandals are also coming up involving the church during the decision making of the new Pope.


Work Cited:

Hirst, Michael. “Election for New Pope to Begin on Tuesday.” BBC News. BBC, 06 Mar. 2013.        Web. 08 Mar. 2013.

Cowell, Daniel J. Wakin And Alan. “Cardinals to Vote on New Pope on Tuesday.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 08 Mar. 2013. Web. 08 Mar. 2013.

Press, The Associated. “Vatican Welcomes Last Cardinal, Setting Stage for Conclave.” CBCnews.                CBC/Radio Canada, 07 Mar. 2013. Web. 08 Mar. 2013.


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