Weird News

Luis Rojas





The queen is going to her car after being discharged by the doctors by displaying symptoms of gastroenteritis.

On March 4 2013, Queen Elizabeth II was released from King Edward VII’s hospital from having gastroenteritis. “Gastroenteritis is a condition that causes irritation and inflammation of the stomach and intestines (E-Med)”. The queen has to cancel all her engagements for the week and even cancelled a trip to Wales (CNN).  The queen hasn’t been hospitalized in 10 years and gave her people quite a scare.

Something that’s been questioned is why the people have such a fascination with the queen. If one thinks about it, she’s just a person. She doesn’t have any power and is just a figure head. Recently people have wondered why she makes headlines. The moment she was hospitalized, CNN put in a “breaking moment news flash” on their website. Events that have also had this were the Haiti earthquake and recently the death of Venezuela’s leader, Hugo Chavez.

Queen Elizabeth has been hailed as one of the best leaders of Britain. She’s had an exciting career as monarch of the British Empire to what is now the United Kingdom. During WWII Queen Elizabeth was a mechanic for cars and planes and refused to leave Buckingham Palace while it was being bombed. This was highly unusual for a monarch at the time where they all fled to their colonies or allied countries.

Her illness has been the first international headline the queen’s received since the Olympics, where the queen had “jumped” out of a plane with 007 actor, Daniel Craig. This stunt was put in to surprise the public and received mixed reviews, with people claiming it was a fake to others in complete shock.  Though tough and commandeering the Queen has fans all over the world and is considered to be one of the most popular people to be alive.




Works Cited

“Read What Your Physician Is Reading on Medscape.” EMedicineHealth. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2013.

Shoichet, Catherine E., Richard Quest, Elizabeth Cohen, Per Nyberg, and Max Foster. “Queen Elizabeth II Released from Hospital.” CNN. Cable News Network, 04 Mar. 2013. Web. 08 Mar. 2013.

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